Monday, March 21, 2011

the languge that i learned

           I had born in morocco in North Africa. I spent all of my life there I had my high school graduation from there. Therefore, my mother tongue tongue is Arabic. Since I had 9 years I was learning French. It toke me time to learn it because of the vocabulary and the grammar were difficult but by time I learned it. Now I can speak and write in French fluently. moreover I used to take extra tutorial at night because at school my French professors were always give us novels to read and I never liked to read them in addition to that my parents sent me to another school specialized only in French language. According to Spanish language getting most popular and useful, I like to learn Spanish as my fourth language and in the future I like to take classes in Spanish language right now learning it from my friends at work school. Although I like to use facebook to improve my English with other friends. And the language that I like to use in academic things is English feel that I'm more interesting speaking and writing in English because it's my most uses language now and i like to be more fluent in English.


  1. It's great that you are tri-lingual in three of the world's big languages - Arabic, French and English!

    If you keep reading and writing in English, it will continue to improve!

  2. having the name of coke in different languages that is the advantage of the company, because i think the more they us more languages the more consumer the get.
